Altar and Rosary Sodality

Mission Statement – “Our mission is to foster reverence for the Blessed Sacrament; to promote love for and practice of the Rosary; to encourage regular and frequent reception of the sacraments; and to promote social fellowship among the women of the parish.” 

The Sodality cleans and prepares the church for the celebration of the Mass; maintains the Sanctuary by replenishing all supplies used on the altar, such as altar breads, wine, candles, clean altar cloths and other linens; collaboratively work with other groups within Saints Peter and Paul Parish; promote a better understanding and recite the Rosary faithfully; lead recitations of the Rosary weekly; conduct a monthly Communion Mass for the intentions of the parish and for the souls of the deceased members of our Sodality.  Donations are made twice a year to the parish from our fundraisers. 

Saints Peter and Paul Parish Altar and Rosary Sodality was established 08/30/1927 and is open to all women of the Parish.  We currently have 98 members in the Sodality.  Election of new officers takes place every two years


Altar & Rosary Sodality



Shirley Wagen


Vice President

Mary Tetlak


Recording Secretary

Sue Sikon


Financial Secretary

Rose Kropinak



Rita Stark


Corresponding Secretary

Dolores Kubicek




Iva Stephens

Judy Duzinski



Michaeline Witkowski

Betty Klonowski



Dolores Kozlowski



Iva Stephens



Beverly May

Kathy Ziegler



Judy Gosiewski


Parish Council Rep

Sue Sikon



Betty Lamatrice



Entrance Fee               $6.00                          

Yearly Membership     $6.00 (due in September)

General Meeting         Tuesday after the first Sunday of each month at 7:00 pm

Communion Mass      Second Sunday of each month at 8:00 am Mass

If you have any questions, please call Shirley Wagen at the number above. 


If interested in becoming a member --- Please complete the following

Application for Membership

Altar and Rosary Sodality

(Please print clearly)


Name   ______________________________________  Date ________________________


Address  ________________________________________________________________________


City  ________________________               State _____________       Zip Code ___________


Home Phone ________________ Cell __________________ Email  __________________________


Place your completed membership form in an envelope marked to the attention of the Altar and Rosary Sodality and put in the collection basket at Mass.   Thank you!!