Forms for the Parish


Please complete this form and return it to the Rectory

We welcome you as a new member and thank you for adding to our parish vibrancy!




ID/Envelope # ___________ Today’s Date ____________________ Date Original Registration ___/___/_____

FAMILY LAST NAME __________________________ Address ________________________________________

Family Title (circle one)     Mr & Mrs Mr Mrs Miss Ms

City ___________________________ Zip _____________     Telephone  ____________________ Unlisted? ____

E-Mail ______________________________________ Previous Parish? ___________________________________

Marital Status ____________ Date of Marriage ______________ Church/Place of Marriage ____________________

Ceremony by a Priest (Yes/No)? ____ Officiated by (Name of Priest/Minister/Judge/Other) _____________________

HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD SPOUSE (Maiden Name) ____________________________

Name _________________________________________ Name _________________________________________

Religion ______________________________________    Religion ________________________________________

Disability Yes/No Type ________________________         Disability Yes/No Type _____________________________

Place of Employment ____________________________    Place of Employment _____________________________

Occupation ________________Business Phone ________ Occupation ____________ Business Phone __________

Birthdate ___________________ Age ____________          Birthdate _____________________ Age ________________

Sacraments                                                                           Sacraments

(Note dates received, or “Yes” if date unknown)                    (Note dates received, or “Yes” if date unknown)

Baptism ______ Confirmation ______                                   Baptism ______ Confirmation ______

Penance _____ 1st Communion ______                                Penance ______ 1st Communion _____

E-Mail _______________________________________       E-Mail _________________________________________


In an emergency contact

Name _________________________ Address __________________________________ Phone _______________

City, State, Zip Code _______________________________________ Relationship __________________________


Please list information for all other members of the household on the reverse side of this form.

Children who have attained the age of 21, register separately unless handicapped or infirm.



Name ______________________________________    Name __________________________________________

              Last                                  First              Middle               Last                                    First             Middle

Relationship to Household _______________________   Relationship to Household _________________________

Birthdate ____________ Age __________ Sex ______    Birthdate ______________ Age __________ Sex ________

Disability Yes/No Type __________________________   Disability Yes/No Type ___________________________

School _____________________________ Grade ____   School _____________________________ Grade ____

Sacraments                                                                         Sacraments

(Note dates received, or “Yes” if date unknown)                  (Note dates received, or “Yes” if date unknown)

Baptism ______ Confirmation ______                                 Baptism ______ Confirmation ______

Penance _____ 1st Communion ______                              Penance ______ 1st Communion _____


Name _______________________________________    Name ___________________________________________

               Last                                         First      Middle                  Last                                              First         Middle

Relationship to Household ________________________  Relationship to Household ________________________

Birthdate ______________ Age ________ Sex ________ Birthdate ______________ Age ________ Sex ________

Disability Yes/No Type __________________________    Disability Yes/No Type ___________________________

School _____________________________ Grade _____ School _____________________________ Grade ______

Sacraments                                                                          Sacraments

(Note dates received, or “Yes” if date unknown)                   (Note dates received, or “Yes” if date unknown)

Baptism ______ Confirmation ______                                  Baptism ______ Confirmation ______

Penance _____ 1st Communion ______                               Penance ______ 1st Communion _____


Name ___________________________________            Name _________________________________________

            Last                                    First      Middle                          Last                                    First                    Middle

Relationship to Household _________________________ Relationship to Household ________________________

Birthdate ______________ Age _________ Sex _______  Birthdate ______________ Age ________ Sex ________

Disability Yes/No Type __________________________    Disability Yes/No Type ___________________________

School _____________________________ Grade _____  School _____________________________ Grade ______

Sacraments                                                                           Sacraments

(Note dates received, or “Yes” if date unknown)                    (Note dates received, or “Yes” if date unknown)

Baptism ______ Confirmation ______                                   Baptism ______ Confirmation ______

Penance _____ 1st Communion ______                                Penance ______ 1st Communion _____





SSPP Census Form 11-17-09